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Over £25,000 pledged to FCBP!

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Frome Bike Project’s Crowdfunding campaign has got off to a flying start with over £25,000 pledged so far!

Sunday 11th September saw the fifth annual bike jumble with a huge turnout and nearly £4000 in sales. The amazing support from the community means that we’ve unlocked extra funding from both Sport England and British Cycling so our total now stands at just over £25,000!

This means that we’re 83% funded with a couple of weeks to go, and we can really make this! Please share the great news far and wide and encourage everyone you know to get involved – there are some great rewards remaining still, including discounts on services, FCBP membership and more.

massive thank you to all of you who’ve already pledged, and of course a huge thank you to everyone who donated bikes, purchased bikes and gave up their time to help at the jumble. We’re nearly there and with just a bit more of a push we will be able to turn the artist’s impression below into a reality!

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